Monday, March 9, 2009


"a young man, skiing across Icefoot Lake in the month of Irrem hunting pesthry." pg 124.

what is pesthry?!?! a type of polar bear?? or penguin?? i spent a long time trying to figure what kind of animal a pesthry is...and it turned out that it doesn't exist!!! because i looked it up on and there is no such word!!

I was so mad....but anyway...i agree with most of the people in class that Estraven is not a traitor for giving up half the disputed lands to the Domain of Stok because he did so to end the feud and maintaim peace between the two Domains. If it wasn't because of Estraven's sacrifice, there would still be people getting ambushed and murdered in the wild! So i praise Estraven as a great hero to his Domain not a traitor. As for killing his three brothers, Estraven didn't have a choice but to kill them since they were after him. Those three greedy brothers didn't deserve to live since they attempted to kill their little brother for power. Last but not least, there was this one part that grossed me out...the part where the two naked guys in the hut were touching each other hand, i know they don't have gender and all...but i kept thinking that they're both guys.....

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