Friday, May 1, 2009

The New book #7

I finished the book! Finally! The Handmaid's Tale was a really great book but i was still glad that i finally finished the book because i don't have to read another book in my Lowell year! I hope this will be our last book of the year..... but anyway! The end of the book was really unexpected. I thought Offred was going to get sent to the colonies by the commander's wife for going to the nightclub. But instead, the Mayday came in a van and saved her life! It was very exciting at the part when the commander and his wife were questioning "the Eyes" for Offred's crime. I thought "the Eyes" cleverly answered all of their questions and made the commander couple believed that they were the real Eyes. I was kind of shock that Offred doubted Nick for a second when he told her about the Eyes outside were actually Mayday, because you should never doubt the one you love! But i am glad that Offred decided to believe Nick and did not suicide like the other handmaid!

1 comment:

  1. They don't know that if the van that came were the Eyes or undercover Mayday people right? It did not say at the end where she went also. She could of went to the colonies right? Or maybe I understood the story wrong. Yea I am also happy that this is the last book we gotta read in high school. I actually thought Serena Joy turned her in to the police but I read somewhere were she questioned the Eye when they came and took her. So it showed that even Serena Joy did not know where Offred was going and did not arrange for this to happen. I did not understand why the other Handmaids would commit suicide so fast. Is living in the colonies really that horrible to a Handmaids life?
