Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The New Book #4

After reading chapter 29, i find Offred really intelligent..or more like cunning because she knows how to take advantage of someone. Offred started to spend more time with the commander and she is beginning to gain knowledge of the society through megazines and by asking the commander questions of the current society. Offred also found out about how the commander feels guilty about Offred's job as a handmaid. I also feel sympathy for the women before
the Gilead took over the United States. Women lost all their rights to own property and their jobs after the Gilead took over the nation. I also notice that Offred always tells the raders about her past with her husband Luke whenever she sees Nick. I think that Offred think of the commander as a friend that she can use and think of Nick as a substitute for her husband. On chapter 30, Offred had the desire to have sex with Nick when they saw each other.

1 comment:

  1. John, I really think you make a great point about Nick here, that perhaps he's just helping Offred to feel connected with her past life, maybe achieve some sort of normalcy in this crazy place.
