Thursday, April 23, 2009

The New Book #5

At the Prayvaganza, Offred and Ofglen were whispering to each other about Janine's baby, how the baby is deformed and how it might have been a baby with a doctor. When i was reading that passage, i immediately thought of a connection between the women of the Gilead and the Women of our society today, all women love to gossip! Later on, Offred remembers the commander telling her how women of Gilead lost their freedom but gained security and how women aren't forced to work anymore. I thought that weird since the handmaids are like force to have sex with the commanders. i don't remember reading anything about a handmaid enjoying having sex with an old commander..I also thought it was risky for Offred to go to the club with the commander since the commander was drunk and he probably don't even know what he was doing..Offred gets caught going out...she could be sent to the Colonies by the commander's wife.


  1. John, could saying that all women love to gossip is a bit of generalization/stereotype? I would say I know plenty of men who LOVE to gossip (and plenty of women who don't)!

  2. Yea John, What Ms. Aaland said. Haha. There are guys at Lowell who gossip and I know why you said that all women love to gossip because in today's world there are a lot of women who do love to gossip and this happens a lot at school and bad rumors get started because of this. I remember reading about the part in the story where Ofwarren has that baby and they declare it a good baby but then like a week later they found out the baby had defects and she was denied of her acceptance to the society and serving it. She worked so hard and gave labor to the baby but then in the end it was all a waste. There weren't many descriptions of the births.
